Monday, June 05, 2006

A Malaysian Wedding

I call it a Malaysian Wedding because it's not exactly an Indian wedding, nor it is a Malay wedding. The bride is Linda, a malay lady and the bridegroom is Kumaran. The unique thing about their wedding is it'a a symbol of national integrity; a malay bride, an indian bridegroom and a chinese dinner wedding reception. Where can you get that? Only in Malaysia.

Both bride and bridegroom are friends of mine. Kumaran and I used to work together in Business Trends (now Kelly Services) and he introduced me to Linda, his girlfriend then. Linda later became my investor and a good friend. I admire Linda because she's very mature for her age.

I get to meet a lot of Kelly Services staff there. It's like Kelly Services quarterly meeting, we joked with each other. I was at a table together with all the ex-Kelly; Andy, Andrew, Sri (which I didn't get to know before) and Yazid and wife. I guess everybody did well after they left Kelly, especially Yazid. He coaches kids football now. His passion. What luck to land a job that you're trully passionate about. It doesn't seem like work at all.

Tonight, I learn 3 important things as a wife when the MC gave Linda this advice; "Don't nag", "Don't nag", "Don't nag". And for the hubby, "Listen to your wife", "Listen to your wife", "Listen to your wife". Simple rule... yet difficult to do.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Brothers Reunited

Boy and Adik
Originally uploaded by Rahim Rahman.
After 11 years, they get to meet each other again. I took the title from Boy's flickr set. I've been saying this again and again and I'll say it again, I wish I was there... Eleven years... a lot of things have happened. People change. Everything else change. Like the saying that goes something like, 'Changes are constant' or is it 'The only thing that's constant is 'change''. You get what I mean. It gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling looking at the pictures where my brothers stand next to each other, all grinning from ear to ear. I'm sure they had a good time as what I see in the pictures. No broken bones. Renewed appreciation for siblings. Boy didn't use any of his kung fu chops on Adik.

Looking back at old times, I remembered how miserable Boy made Adik's life; with constant bullying and harassing. And now, looking at the pictures, I'm proud to say that that's all in the past. (I hope). It's true what they say, "Absence makes the heart grow fonder".

I guess everybody did their growing up along side with growing old. "Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional". I wonder, after years of American food, and now health food, how would Boy's stomach react to the sambal ikan bilis that I made for him...