Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri

Tuesday, 24th October 2006; Selamatlah sudah ibadat puasa selama sebulan and now it's time to celebrate. This year, the family colour theme is red. Hari Raya is fun with Danial. Ami bought Danial his first baju raya. Azrai managed to get the baju raya of the same colour and pattern as Danial's. We were out window shopping when we saw a songkok for Danial and got it for him. He doesn't like to wear a hat and I was trying to keep him from taking off his songkok while taking our family picture on pagi raya. It's some sort of a tradition that I'm trying to establish; taking family photo on hari raya morning.

We went to fetch Mak and "T" and shoot off to Seputeh as Babah was there to beraya with him. Later, we took Babah's Chairman and balik kampung. Adik arrived shortly after we did and we had a small birthday celebration for him (picture below). For many years, I think Adik was really looking forward for hari raya this year. For one, it falls on his birthday. He made baju raya for himself courtesy of a generous friend and those who knew that his birthday falls on hari raya gave him extra nice birthday presents. Azrai and I bought him a Sony PlayStation 2 and he loved it. He's been very generous with Danial; getting Danial clothes and stuff so we thought we give him something he really wants and he's been hinting on a PS2 for a long time.

Anyway, back to hari raya. Raya is more meaningful with Danial.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Over the weeks...

I have thoughts of blogging whenever a something out of norm happened but days passed by and the thoughts were left as thoughts. Other more important things occupied the front seat of my priority lists and there were hardly any vacancy for blogging to come to the front. So, I'm going to go on a quick recap of things happened over the weeks since my last blog entry.

Danial had his measles immunization shot the week he turned 1 year old and a week after that he had fever. That was the week where we started fasting (Ramadhan). At first, we thought that it's just a reaction of the shot that he took earlier. But the fever persisted for the next three days and my biggest fear is Dengue fever. So, not taking any chances, we went back to Dr. Chan, Danial's pediatrician, and got some medications. He says it's too early to confirm if it's Dengue or otherwise. The next day, Danial came out with red spots on his body and face. I got worried and took him to Dr. Chan again. This time, Alhamdulillah, Dr. Chan confirmed that it's not Dengue. It's a common baby's measles called Roseola Infartum. So, Danial got his medicine and off on the road to recovery a few days after that.

We all balik kampung and berbuka there one friday (October 9th) when Adik got some time off from globe-trotting. By "We" I mean, Papa, Mama, Adik, Azrai, me, Danial and Bibik. We made a pit stop at Semenyih to get some satey for buka puasa. We were late as Azrai came home after work and trafic in Semenyih was bad. We reached kampung minutes before buka puasa. Danial didn't even get the chance to take his bath as it was too late. Anyway, nothing special there. We brought the food for buka puasa anyway. Nenek is too old to be bothered with us anymore. Not that we would want us to fuss around anyway. Gone were the days where Atuk and Nenek would run around the house to catch a chicken to cook for their grandchildren.Chicken My brother, Boy, Atuk's favourite grandson was a chicken freak. He only eats fried chicken with chili sauce. I'm sure the chicken community at my grandparent's home was reduced to a significant number due to my brother's preference for chicken. If Boy is reading this, I wondered whether he still remembered... If he does, I could just picture him smiling to himself while reading this blog.

On Thursday, October 12, I was informed quite at the last minute that I have to attend a training session in Casa Rachado, Port Dickson for 2 days. I left in a hurry, got Bibik to prepare my suitcase and rushed off to PD. Good thing it started after lunch or I'd be considered as MIA. I later found out that I can get a discount for the rooms so I booked an apartment and got Azrai to drive over with Bibik and Danial after berbuka. The apartment was huge and rather eerie. I wasn't really that scared because I know that during bulan puasa, all demons are locked up. Nevertheless, the apartment did give me the shivers. I put my suitcase when I checked in and only went up to the apartment when Azrai arrived. Since it's puasa month, the hotel sent up food for sahur at 10pm. Azrai suddenly wanted to go out and look for food and I went along with him leaving Danial asleep with Bibik. We were still driving around to find food when Bibik called, rather worried that Danial has been crying non stop Cry Babysince we left the apartment. So, we didn't get the food we went out looking for and drove straight back to Casa Rachado. I managed to console Danial and he settled down. Maybe, he's not used to the new surrounding as I stood by my belief that all demons are locked up during Ramadhan. He slept with us that night and nothing strange happened. I didn't want to go back to the room alone the next day so I took my bag out when I went to class at 9am.

After the class, I drove back to Putrajaya. I had a date to keep with Lynne. We've made arrangement to buka puasa together to celebrate our friendship. It's been a while since the two of us actually sit down together and have quality girlfriends' time together so I was looking forward for that. I suggested that we got each other a little token to commemorate the event and know what I'd get for Lynne. By 4pm, I took Bibik and Danial to Aunty Mie's house to get a gift for Lynne. Aunty Mie showed me some nice crystal bracelet and I chosed one for Lynne. Left Danial and Bibik at Setiawangsa and Papa sent me to the LRT station. I took the LRT to KLCC and met Lynne at Chilli's. Good thing Lynne went there to book a seat. It was packed! We exchanged gifts. Lynne is into crystals and she gave me a lovely butterfly brooch. We chatted, we talked about our kids, work and family, we reminisced, we laughed, we had a good time. Good food, good company, good time... sometimes, these small pleasures in life, make life worth living. To Lynne, thank you for being my friend. As Adik would put it, Kawan menangis. You've been my kawan menangis and stood by me through my ups and downs and I look forward for many more years of friendship, my dearest friend, I love you... Best Friends 2

I haven't touched the topic about haze. It's back again and I think this time with a vengence. It's really bad. Visibility is low and you can even smell the burnt smell in the air. I guess it's the culprit for Danial waking up with a sore throat a few days ago. We limit his time outdoors and reminded Bibik time and time again not to take Danial outdoors too much. So, he started with some coughs and a slight temperature. Azrai took him to Dr. Chan after buka puasa with the staff at Johnny's Alamanda. Good thing, Danial drinks lots of water which helps. Medicine

As for my hari raya preparation, I'm all for it. We've got a new buffet table, some new curtains and some decorative lights. Papa made pelita out of Danial's Gerber bottles and came over last Tuesday, October 18th to put them up around the house and buka puasa with us. Mama came along with some resentment (which I'm not going to get into and spoil my happy blog). Nevertheless, the we're the only house that's decorated with lights and showed some signs of celebrating hari raya. While the rest of the neighbourhood seems oblivious of the festivities around the corner (which is rather odd considering the majority in the area are Malays) we are all excited to welcome Malam 7 Likur, Raya and stuff. For the past 3 days since Papa put up the pelita around the house, Bibik and I have been religiously lighting the pelita just before buka puasa. I remembered how Boy and I would play bunga api and mercun (fireworks) malam raya kat kampung. I don't know whether Danial would get the chance to play bunga api anymore since the government ban any sale of fireworks. Those were the good old days. Fireworks

I'm still contemplating whether I want to bake raya biscuits and cakes. I did tell Bibik I'd do it if I 'raya' early this year. I've already started raya last Wednesday but haven't bought the ingredients for anything yet. I still have a few days to go before raya. We'll see how it goes. There's always ready made cookies I can buy from the stores as last resort.

For my dear brother, Boy, we'll be celebrating Hari Raya InsyaAllah on 24th of October which is Adik's birthday. Most probably balik kampung on the first raya after I visit my inlaws in KL. I don't know how's the connection in kampung but if it's good, I hope you don't mind if we call you. Let Atuk and Nenek hear your voice. After all, they are so old and fragile, you don't know when's the next time you'd be able to hear their voices again. So until then, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir Batin.