Hey, guess what? I qualified for MAA Bangkok New Consultant's Convention (18th to 20th January 2007) and that marked my first trip for 2007; Destination: Bangkok of course. Let me pat my own shoulder. Good job!
Well, it was free and easy. Good thing my room-mate was a seasoned traveller too and she's the adventurous type. So, I followed her lead. It's indeed a shopping haven here in Bangkok. I've come to accept the fact that I'm a lousy shopper. I am however an established window shopper. The other qualifiers shopped till they dropped and had to get new bags to bring their new things back home. I came with one bag and went home with the same bag.
That's my picture infront of the Reclining Buddha. I came home with a bad case of tonsilitis. Something must have disagreed with me in Bangkok. Maybe it's the tomyam. I had fever but was well enough to go to Aunty Zizah's birthday lunch at Victoria Station on Sunday, the day after I got back from Bangkok. Happy Birthday Aunty Zizah!