Friday, June 29, 2007

Two down, one to go

Danial has been clean for two months and now it starting again. It started with a runny nose, then some occasional coughs before it got worse. Good thing my calendar was clear this week. I took him to Dr. Chan last Tuesday as a precaution hoping that he'd get better in time for our trip to Kuching today. But then, before he gets any better, he got worse first and got a fever on Wednesday and yesterday, he's already wheezing. Dr. Chan has to put Danial on nebulizer both morning and evening. We stock up on his fever, coughs, flu, phlegm, antibiotics and what not for the trip.

Azrai isn't any better too. He's been working too hard these past few weeks and I think the body couldn't take it any more. He's coughing now which is not good for Danial to be around him. But it's hard to stop Danial from getting his Babah time when he hasn't got enough of it.

Now both Danial and Azrai are fast asleep outside in the family area. Somehow or rather, when any of us get sick, that's the place we'd rather be than the bedroom. I have to be strong for them. Can't afford to get sick and make it a threesome. My throat is feeling scratchy. I was hoping that this trip to Kuching is a break that everybody needs but maybe it's a little bit too late.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Birthday Nenek and Happy Father's Day

Nenek's birthday falls on Father's day but since Ami has to work on Sunday, we took Nenek and 'Kok' (Danial's pronunciation of 'Tok') out for lunch at IZZI, Bukit Bintang. Lunch was OK-OK ajelah.

Later, Danial gets to play with some of Mama, Uncle Boy and Ami's old toys and he likes them more than the new toys we got him. It's true what they say, "They don't make toys like they used too".

Check out Uncle Boy's old toy car.