Alhamdulillah, rezeki bulan Rejab. Middle of July to be exact, I was pretty busy with my unit trust business. Infact, the first day of Rejab, Azrai and I were in JB doing our sales calls. It was a fruitful day for me on top of the fact that I was fasting that day. Azrai wasn't so lucky; he got food poisoning and was practically sleeping on the bathroom floor half of the night after feasting on ikan bakar and lala. Guess the lala wasn't so fresh. The odd thing was, I ate the same thing and I was OK. I admit I didn't eat as much as Azrai did. Maybe my stomach is stronger or maybe his stomach isn't as strong as it used to be.
Anyway, after fasting here and there the first few days of Rejab, I noticed that I should be due for my period already. I thought I'd just continue fasting till get my period but got to calculating the lapse since my last day of period. What do you know, I was three days late. It got my hopes up. Azraididn't want me to jump onto any ideas yet and casually remarked that I might be late due to the fact that I've been fasting and it might upset my cycle. He told me to give it a few more days before I take the home pregnancy test. But, the curiousity was killing me. I had to know and I went out and got myself the test kit. Took the test and it turned out POSITIVE! I was overjoyed!
The internet pregnancy calculator estimated that I was 5 weeks pregnant at that time. So, I waited a couple more days before I went to the GP to take another test. Again, it turned out POSITIVE! The EDD for this baby is 1st of April 2008. All I need to do is to take it easy these few weeks until I passed my first trimester.
This time, I'm going to enjoy my pregnancy. I'm going to take it a day at a time. Being pregnant for the second time, I kinda know what to expect. And touch wood, I don't get any morning sickness. In fact, my symptoms are very minimal. Initially, I loss appetite. That's why I was looking forward to fasting as I can go through a day without any hunger pangs. Only recently my appetite came back and I can eat almost anything. I've got sweet tooth too.
Though I ought to take it easy. This time around, I'm not as lazy as I was when I was pregnant with Danial. I couldn't stand looking at dirty things or mess. When my request to get my car washed fell on deaf ears, I took the task of doing it myself and went the extra mile with vacuuming the interiors as well.
So in my To Do list, I've to recall all Danial's stuff that I've loan out to people. Not that urgent but it's good to put a note to follow up later.