Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Baby Arazee

Danial and I went to see the only baby boy in the extended extended family; Arazee, baby to Salina and hubby (I'm sorry, I tak tau nama) and little brother to Delaila aka Didi; nephew to Rizal and Liris and cousin to Isabel. We went out after Danial woke up from his nap yesterday. We made a pitstop at Petronas to get some chocolates. Hey! A deal is a deal. I promised Danial that if he's a good boy and take his nap, when he wakes up, we'd get some chocolates at Petronas and he held me to my words.

I only had an address to Salina's place and a rough idea where Taman Bukit Serdang is. Salina says their aparment is behind Techonology Park. That didn't sound so hard to find. Long story short, I spent almost 2 hours looking for the d***ed taman. I almost gave up when it started to rain and Danial was getting a bit restless in the car. Luckily enough, my last shot in the dark scored!

Baby Arazee is beautiful. Makes me want to have another one. At this rate, I don't care if I get another boy. I'll be thrilled as long as the baby is healthy. Note to self, must work harder in 2008 for a baby. 2008 is a good year.

Coming back to baby Arazee. His mommy had a tough time in labour because he was too comfortable in mommy's tummy to come out. The doctor had to pull him out and fractured his shoulder bone in the process. But nothing's serious. He's well on his way to recovery. When we were there, baby hardly made any noise. In fact, he's an absolute angel. He was asleep throughout our visit. Even Didi fell asleep and left Danial to entertain himself. We left just as baby started to cry, probably hungry.

To Salina and family, congratulations on the new addition!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Aidiladha 2007 and Baby Isabel Eryssa

Danial and Babah
Originally uploaded by Danial Raziq
We celebrated hari raya aidiladha yesterday, 20th December 2007 in a very simple way. At first I thought I'd get Azrai and Danial to wear casual clothes on the morning of hari raya. After all, Azrai didn't go to the mosque for the Sembahyang sunat raya. But it just didn't feel right. I guess I still want to do it the old fashion way where pagi raya, you have to wear baju melayu. After all, I tailored Danial's baju melayu this year which cost me a lot. I must have him wear his baju melayu or he won't be able to fit into it six months down the road. So as the self appointed baju organiser of this household, my son and husband were very handsome in their light green baju melayu on the morning of aidiladha.

First stop, balik kampung. And kampung is in Beranang, Negeri Sembilan. For those who strongly feel that the suasana raya is stronger in kampungs, I beg to differ. When we reached my grandmother's house, my dad was still in his t'shirt and kain pelikat which means he hasn't even taken his shower yet. My Mak Su was busy getting food ready, also in her jammy. My Tok pun was inching his way to the bathroom to take his shower. The joke is on me! It certainly don't look nor feel like raya at least at my nenek's house when we got there. One would think we had the day wrong or something.

It was definitely raya because we had rendang, lemang, kuah kacang and nasi impit for breakfast. This time around, the rendang is black and hard. My nenek never wants to listen. But of course, she's the rendang minang expert of the family. How can she listen to the younger generation. The rendang memang can tahan very long. Not because it's cooked properly, but because the daging is so hard from overcooking! And kesian orang macam my Tok who only has false teeth to help him chew. The rendang is a no-no to him. Unless, he wants to test the durability of the false teeth. I bet even the dentures can crack!

Enough with the cattiness. We left kampung after rombong Cik Nah left. Since Nenek Damansara was going out, we went straight to Seputeh to see Datuk. Soosan and twins were there. I had fun tumpang sekaki main-main with the babies. Seronok main dengan babies when they are not yours. When they cry and get cranky, you can give them back to their mother.

We went to Pantai Medical Center after that to see Liris and baby Isabel again before they were discharged from the maternity ward. Liris had a wonderful pregnancy (this is coming from someone who saw Liris a total of 3 times throughout her pregnancy) or at least I was under the impression that she had a good pregnancy and an even better delivery. Her labour pain was quick and she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl of 2.88kg at around 8.20am on Wednesday morning, 19th December 2007. I don't have a good picture of baby Isabel yet and when I do, I'll blog a separate entry for her.

Last stop of the day, Bangi. Mak Ot's house. Dinner is taken care off.Trust Mak Ot to put food on the table. She made Laksa Sarawak, sup tulang, macaroni, puding and chocolate cheese cake. Danial had a good 2 hour nap at Mak Ot's place. He was exhausted with all the running around kat kampung with his uncles and aunties. We missed Amat, Epi and Delia as they left before we got there which was OK when I found out that Delia is having chicken pox. Don't want Danial to get it now.

So, that was our hari raya haji activity... Going around visiting and eat, and eat, and eat... Malaysian favorite passtime activity.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Double addition to the Shamsir Clan

Originally uploaded by Danial Raziq
This entry is late by almost 2 months. Anyway, here's a very warm welcome to Soosan and Ghaz's bundles of joy; Indah Natasha and Indah Alayna; born on 20th October 2007 at Pantai Medical Centre.

Natasha is one in blue. A very serene and peaceful baby. A beautiful example of a kakak. Alayna is in green. She was smaller when they first came out but in this picture, she looks fuller than Natasha. Demands lots of TLC from mommy and daddy. I keep telling Soosan that how the baby behaves is relative to their delivery. Natasha came out fast and easy and thus, she's peaceful and calm. On the other hand, Alayna made the doctor do some fishing around in mommy's tummy and now she's a bit restless.

Nevertheless, babies are beautiful. I couldn't keep myself away from them for long. I go see them when I can trying not to be in the way of dotting mommy and daddy. Well girls, you'll be seing more of Aunty Rozi and Abang Danial.

Soosan and Ghaz, great job on the twins. The journey of parenthood has just started for you guys. Enjoy every minute of it!

Cheerful Aunty Fauziah

Cheerful Aunty Fauziah
Originally uploaded by Danial Raziq
You'd never knew how much you'd missed that someone until that person is gone... Aunty Fauziah passed away on Tuesday afternoon, December 11, 2007 after a long battle with lung cancer. She was surrounded by her children and husband when she drew her last breath.

I remember Aunty as the cheerful person and full of life. Her motherly personality extends to those beyond her brood. She made me welcomed to the Shamsir Clan and shared lots of wisdom. When Danial grows up, I want Danial to know this.

She was a fighter to the very end. For a lady of a small frame, she had the will power of a giant. In a way, with Allah's blessing, she was prepared to face her end of the journey. She made preparation; for herself, as well as her children. Typical of Aunty Fauziah, a perfectionist to the final detail.

Though she's no longer with us physically, I know in my heart that she's with us spiritually. There's a little of Aunty Fauziah in Hazlan, Azhan and Liris; even Batrisha and Sabrina to remind us of her bubbly personality. I know Aunty wants us to remember her that way.

Semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas Aunty Fauziah dan semoga dia berada dikalangan umatNya yang beriman, Amin.