I went and ran some errands on Friday and took Danial along with me. Good thing the girls at Ascendur, Fida and Aini are very accomodating and helpful. Danial was asleep in the car when I reached MAA building so I called Fida and she's willing to come down with the documents and meet me. It's the security guard that is making things difficult. He won't even let me park for a freaking minute to sort out my work. It's not that I'm parking the car and leaving it there. I'm just by the car and somebody is there to meet me. If any of the MAA big guns drives in, I can easily move my car without hassle at all. Sometimes, its the small people like the guard that makes life difficult, not the big guns.
Having done that, I called up Danial's nenek in Damansara and said that we'll be coming over. It's like the unwritten protocol to call beforehand to inform them of our arrival. I guess, these folks don't like surprises. Nah, actually, my inlaws are from the old school. They need the early warning system so that they can get ready and look their best when people come to their home. They'd never be caught unprepared or inappropriately dressed.
After lunch, I took Danial's nenek and Makcik Tini to Midvalley. I need to get some stuff for Danial anyway so I asked nenek if she wants to come along. Initially, she wasn't up to it. She was feeling tired and lazy. So, I said it's OK. She wanted Makcik Tini to come along with me. I think it's more to help me manage with Danial, more than getting some groceries for themselves. As we're getting ready to go, she changed her mind and decided to come along.
She called Danial's datuk to tell him that she's going out. Datuk warned Makcik Tini to look after nenek and not let her pusing-pusing, and not to tire me out and reminded her that I had my miscarriage before because I moved a lot taking nenek here and there. I felt sorry for nenek. It wasn't her fault at all. It was not meant to be and I know who put all this idea into datuk's head, that B**** I told nenek, not to worry. It was I who asked her to come along. It's no trouble at all and we're going to have a good time.
We got our groceries at Carrefour. I got Danial more Gerber baby food since it's cheaper there than Giant and new silicone teats for his bottles
D-Day came. I left the house without turning back. I know Danial is in good hands, his Babah