Thursday, February 23, 2006

5 months and going strong

Danial turned 5 months last Monday (20th February 2006) and I only realized it at the end of the day; Which is typical when you have a baby that keeps you busy the whole day. Wow... how time flies. Are we having fun? It has its rewards. Especially when I look at Danial and be contantly amazed with his new discoveries everyday. In my case, Miracle happen on a daily basis.

What have I learnt after 5 months of parenting? Well, I know that once you are good at something, Danial would give you a new challenge to conquer. For instance, Azrai and I can manage his bath time and diaper change Peeing Baby single handedly. But since Danial started to roll over on his tummy, it's increasingly difficult to change him. So, we have to learn to put his diaper or his clothes on when he's on his tummy or prop him up.

I've also learnt to take it easy. I don't immediately rush to get Danial when he cries. I can even let him cry himself to sleep without the guilty feeling of being a bad mommy. I think I have the balance just right. I don't spoil him rotten and I don't ignore him. Of which, I don't believe any of that is possible. You can never spoil a baby and believe me, you can never ignore a baby especially when they're screaming their hearts out.

Ahhh... Life is good. Sure there'll be new things to conquer tomorrow. Like my brother said, "Well, you signed up for it" and I did and there's no backing out and no regrets. And what does tomorrow holds for me? More diaper change, poopy Baby Pooping , messy feeding time, occassional tantrum Cry Baby , back-aches, sleep deprivation Tired .... All that for Danial... and I say, "BRING IT ON!"

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