This year around, both of us remembered our anniversary *chuckle*. We're really bad at remembering our own anniversary date when the date couldn't have been easier enough to remember.
It's our 6th anniversary... 6 wonderful years of marital bliss. Half of it was more interesting with Danial in the picture. So, what did we do on our anniversary. After the usual housework in the morning, I called Mak Ot to see if she can babysit Danial for the afternoon. She said OK so we packed Danial up. Seen here, Danial asleep on the way to his Wan Ot's house.
We went to Sunway Pyramid for a late lunch at
...erm.... erm... I can't remember! I'm blogging one month post event! So, anyway, we had food in our tummy and we went window-shopping. Good thing Azrai and I share similar interests so, we can really window shop at places we both like like Apple outlets, Harvey Norman's IT section, places like that. Then, Azrai had this urge to queue at J Co Donut where it seems like the in thing and the donuts are supposed to be the best in town. So, he queued for a good half an hour for a dozen of donuts only to find that it's no really "THAT" good. OK la.

We were going around aimlessly only to gravitate towards the toys section and as a present for our anniversary, Danial gets his ULTRAMAN mask and sword. Azrai was still making amend
s for the guilt of not keeping a closer eye on Danial which resulted in Danial getting scratched in the eye by a cat. So, all in all, it's a win-win situation where we get to go out just the two of us for a break and celebrate our anniversary, and Danial gets a toy for being a good sport and stayed with Wan Ot.

Unfortunately, Danial gave Mak Ot a tough time when he suddenly remembered us and cried when Mak Ot and Uncle Din wanted to take him out to see Uncle Ali at his TaeKwonDo practise. He refused to go out and wanted to wait for us. I guess he hasn't really got over the being left behind for a few days when we went to Bandung. Good thing, we made it right with the Ultraman mask and sword. He soon forgot why he was upset and put on the mask and ran around with the sword.
Just look at the picture, he wouldn't let us take of the mask and he fell asleep in it driving home from Bangi. My little Ultraman.
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