It's puasa time again. I remembered, this time last year, I was in confinement, busy nursing Danial. Waking up at wee hours in the night or early morning to feed him. He demands a lot and I was usually famish after feeding him. Well, that was last year. This year, before puasa month started, I was already fasting to ganti balik the whole month puasa that I didn't do last year. I almost made it but nature has to take it's course and I had my period a week before puasa and still owe 6 days which I have to double after the puasa month on top of whatever days I can't puasa during the current month.
Puasa actually started today, Sunday, 24th September 2006 but my period hasn't cleared yet so I couldn't puasa on the first day, which means I miss the first terawih. Azrai and bibik got the first terawih while I stayed at home with Danial.
Today, it seems that I'm ok to puasa tomorrow so, earlier this evening I went for terawih at masjid putrajaya. I can't explain how calm and serene I feel as I walk into the masjid and be part of the jemaah for terawih. No doubt it's a bit warm but I was happy that I'm able to perform terawih tonight. In fact, I felt a lump in my throat as I walk through the doors of the masjid, an overwhelming feeling that God Almighty is watching over me and how small I felt amongst thousands of jemaah masjid. I almost cried...
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