Tomorrow I'm organizing majlis tahlil and doa selamat for Danial's first birthday.

Alhamdulillah, we're touching the one year mark in one piece, no broken bones, perhaps some bumps and bruises, and even mosquito bites, but overall, we did OK. It seems like it was only yesterday that we brought Danial home from the hospital.

How, tiny and fragile he was then. He's come a long way since then, achieving many progressive milestones; Making every bit of parenting worth while. I'm getting all emotional thinking about this...

I do look forward to new discoveries with Danial as he grows up. But when I look back, I wish I can still keep him in my tummy... he is growing up so fast. Soon, he's going to walk and run and do a lot more things and I'll no longer be the centre of his world... Naah! I'm not going to go there. I've read somewhere where a very wise parent said that the duty of a child is to grow up and live his or her own life. I'll make the most of everything when Danial still needs me now and for a good few more years to come and I'll be grateful when Danial becomes a man with all the good values that we instill in him, Insya'Allah...
Moving on to the party bash tomorrow. Well, it's not exactly a party bash. It's more of kenduri tahlil and doa selamat. A more solemn affair. I want to thank Allah for blessing us with Danial, healthy and perfect in every way possible. (Every mom feels the same way about their children) Plus, Danial is too young for a proper birthday party where soon enough he'll be wanting birthday presents, balloons, cakes, games and what not.

I think I'll worry about that when he's a pre-schooler.
Though his birthday is not until next wednesday (20th September), we decided to have it earlier because next weekend we'll start fasting and people would want to go for terawih and so on. I plan to have a more intimate birthday celebration with just Danial and Azrai. We get to have him all to ourselves for this first few years of his life. I love being a mommy! If I have to choose one identity or profession for life, a MOMMY is definitely one I'm holding on to.

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