Sunday, May 28, 2006

He ain't heavy, he's my brother

Spring hair-do!
Originally uploaded by Rahim Rahman.
Adik is flying to Los Angeles and Boy is flying from Denver to meet him there. I'm excited at the prospect of my brothers being reunited after 11 years. I wish I could be there with them but it's no bus ticket to go to the States. Of all the things my dear brother could have asked for, he asked for sambal goreng ikan bilis... That's a walk in the park for me. So, the evening before Adik is due to fly, I went to Giant to get the ingredients. Adik specifically asked me to cook it and not Bibik, for fear Bibik would not make it the way mama does. So, I'm the next best thing. I hope they get to catch up and make up for lost time. I love my brothers dearly. Adik adores Danial and likewise, Danial loves his Ami. I think, given the chance, Boy would be a great uncle to Danial too.

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