Sunday, May 28, 2006

Sweet for my sweet, sugar for my honey...

Not for my honey-bunny Danial's babah. We soon found out the cause of his upset stomach and under the weather condition were due to his rising sugar level in his blood. We found out about it when we came home from Awana Kijal and went to see Doctor Amarjeet Singh. Call it woman's intuition, I somehow had a sneaky feeling that his diabetes is acting up again. Lo and behold, I was right. Not that I want to be right this time. So, the good old doctor put Azrai on a week's no rice diet much to Azrai's dismay.

I was a bit worried for Azrai. Dieting is not one of his strong point and he simply loves rice. I feel sorry for him. He looked miserable with the bread and soup diet that he had to put up with. He has to go back on his medication to control the sugar level despite taking D-tics, a herbal supplement that used to be enough to control the sugar level for him. He had a full blood test done just to reveal another abnormality, the enzymes reading from his liver is unusually high. This led to a visit to do ultra sound which results turned out to be OK, thank God!

The moral of the story, Danial's dad is not getting younger so he has to take care of himself for his sake and more so for Danial's sake.

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